History Degrees and Some of The Best Scholarships You Can Find.
A lot of students find themselves interested in taking history majors in college. Be it as it may that history is an interesting and fascinating subject; a lot of students find it challenging when the time comes to consider what careers can be pursued out of a history major. More students find themselves shying away from pursuing history as a result of this dilemma and also because of the fear that they will not find jobs with a history degree. Having been fueled by pressure from outside this is a very misleading belief.check it out! Anyone interested in pursuing history is a major should know that employment is not a problem and that there are jobs out there. Moreover, history gives a lot of ways to further your careers. If you’re one of the people that is really passionate about history, in this article is where you should find scholarships for history majors. This article reveals some of the best scholarships for history major that are found in various sources.
The first one is the Gerald and Elsie Ham scholarship. This is a scholarship that is given once a year and is merit-based. $10,000 is the award of the scholarship. Of course, this scholarship is for graduate students and usually the student will be required to bring a recommendation letter from a professor in their current institution and should entail why the student deserves this award. The impact the student will have on the profession of an archivist is majorly what the deserving part is about.
The Helen James Brewer scholarship is the second major history scholarship will consider. In the scholarship, students who are descendants of soldiers and Marines are eligible and the winner gets a $1000 award. This soldiers and Marines are supposed to be people enrolled in an accredited university in Georgia on a full-time basis. The good thing about this scholarship is that once you win it, you receive this gift for every semester until you complete your degree. It goes without saying that this takes a lot of pressure off students matters pertaining finances and student loans. This is definitely a scholarship that you would want to consider.
Finally, the last comment is to mention that there are a lot of scholarships out there that have not been made very public. Researching and finding out whether there are history scholarships available in your local area is therefore your responsibility as a student. Scholarships are always welcome and a great relief to every student and though getting one may not be easy but it is definitely worth it if you are passionate about pursuing a career out of your history major.