Advantages of Kiln Dried Firewood
Finding the right type of wood will go a long way into ensuring that you get the most out of your wood burning stove. If you want to enjoy smokeless fire, it is prudent that the wood you choose is burned properly. It is important to note that there are only two methods of drying wood. One f them being the traditional method. This kind of method involves letting your wood dry on its own. Kiln dried wood is the other method that is taking over the traditional method of drying wood. It boats of undeniable advantages that everybody ought to know about. This article is going to mention some of those benefits. That way, you will be able to know why it is the most preferred over eh traditional one. Read on to be on the know.
Time is the first advantage of kiln-dried wood. Well, you are able to save a lot of time when you choose to dry your wood using this method as compared to the traditional one. It could take days or even weeks for wood to dry on its own and produce quality fire. When there is rain for instance, your wood might get wet which means you have to start the drying process afresh. When it comes to kiln dried wood, wood is subjected to extremely hot temperatures, which reduces the drying process into half. Therefore, you get to enjoy your perfectly dried wood sooner than the traditionally dried ones. Most importantly, you want to take note of the fact that the duration of drying also greatly depends on the type of wood. Some will take time while others will dry up after a short while. Therefore, you want to know the type of wood you are dealing with in order to know what to expect.
You also get to enjoy longer burn time when you opt for kiln-dried wood over the traditionally dried ones. Longer burn time is one of the most important factors to consider for wood burning stoves. It is important to note that the longer your wood burns the less stressful it will be for you to keep the fire going. There is nothing as tiresome as keeping on checking whether the fire is burning or not. Therefore, you can go t sleep knowing that your house will stay warm until morning without having to move around in the middle of the night.
Kiln dried wood are good for the winter emergencies. This is because it is always ready to burn whenever you have it. Therefore, when you suddenly run out of wood in the middle of winter, you will have no choice but to buy the kiln dried ones from a reputable supplier. It might cost you an arm and a leg then but it will all be worth it in the end.
Did you know that kiln dried wood tend to be lighter in weight. Yes, you could easily carry them when going for camping unlike the traditionally seasoned ones.